
TRT Talks
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In each episode, we explore the latest research, breakthroughs, and practical insights that can help you achieve and maintain hormonal balance, and overall health. From understanding the role of hormones in various bodily functions to addressing common concerns such as hormonal imbalances, lifestyle factors, and mental health our experts provide valuable information and expert advice.
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TRT Talks
Understanding Parasites & Toxins in the Environment
In this episode, Angie McGough, NP at Thrivelab, interviews Kim Rogers, known as the “Worm Queen” and founder of Rogershood, about the hidden health threats posed by parasites, worms, candida, toxins, and the importance of regular cleansing. Kim explains how parasites—organisms that feed off their host—can affect nutrient absorption and overall health. This can impact essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and magnesium, which play critical roles in hormonal balance.
Kim shares insights into her Rogershood parasite cleanse kit, designed to help people remove parasites, worms, candida, and heavy metals. For anyone experiencing unexplained digestive issues, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety or persistent health concerns, a gentle parasite cleanse such as the Parafy kit from Rogershood may be worth considering. Kim reminds listeners that while parasites can seem intimidating, understanding and managing them is empowering, bringing us one step closer to a healthier, more resilient body.
To connect with Kim Rogers, visit her website at rogershood.com or follow her on Instagram @rogershoodapothecary. Ready to cleanse your way to better health? Head to Rogershood to get your 30-day supply Parafy Parasite Cleanse kit today.
Angie McGough NP (00:01)
Hi guys, Angie McGough here I'm super pumped to have the “Worm Queen”, Kim Rogers. She is founder of Rogershood and a specialist in parasites. So really interesting topic we're going to talk about today. We're going to talk about the hidden health threats posed by parasites, mold, candida, toxins, and the importance of regular cleansing. Kim, thank you so much for being here. Tell us a little bit about how you became the worm queen and parasite cleansing.
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (00:27)
Thanks for having me. So I was deemed the Worm Queen on TikTok when I went viral in 2021. I did a parasite cleanse and it went completely bonker viral. Like 10.5 million people viewed my video and about a million people the first two hours. I mean, it was just crazy. It was nuts. This is definitely an area where it's never been talked about and so Worm Queen, I didn't want to be known as Worm Lady. I mean, no one really does. It's such a weird topic anyway. So it's like, kind of helping people have a humor about it. But I started working in Western medicine in 2004. And so I come from that world. I really love the human body. I love teaching people how to take care of themselves and understand their bodies. So in 2004, got two healthcare degrees. I ran 25 healthcare colleges. I authored multiple books. I was on advisory boards. So I really do know medical. And in 2015, my health started to decline. I had had 13 surgeries and a hysterectomy from endometriosis and adenomyosis. I had been through the Lupron world, the depo. Just constantly was being cut on every two years. They didn't really know what was wrong with me. So I decided to figure it out on my own. I, my husband and I moved from the city. Currently I live in Washington state. We moved from Tacoma and we had a piece of recreational property out in Hoodsport. That's where Mrs. Rogershood comes from. And we built our own log home with our bare hands. And in the process of doing that, I got very ill and started to decline even more. So we kind of came to an understanding that I wasn't gonna get better. And in fact, there were moments where I was so sick that I didn't think that I was gonna make it. And so my husband decided to grow some mushrooms and try and at least protect my brain and kind of get some nutrients in my body. And so long story short, I was watching a video on TikTok after going through this big journey that I was already doing for self healing since 2019 to 2021. And someone said, I almost ** myself over parasites. So I decided to do my own parasite cleanse with that company. And I saw liver flukes, pin worms and roundworm. Later on, I did get my stool tested by an independent facility because I had my stool tested by LabCorp as well as parasites.org and parasites.org found that I had cryptosporidium parvium which I had probably had for an extended period of time. My husband had defragilis and roundworm and by this point I had already cleansed a few times so the physical worms weren't detected on my stool.
I wanted to know even more after going viral and having it detected on my stool and I found out that there were parasites in our water. So our water was contaminated, which by the way, 75% of our country's water is contaminated because I'm good friends with this lab. And they've tested 75% of our country, including Seattle where I live now, which is tested positive for nematodes. So it's a thing here. It's a thing. Our water is not great. We're told our water is fantastic, right? Like I had some friends visiting from LA last week and I said, watch this. I'm gonna tell them no water. First I'm gonna ask them where's the water from when they put it on the table and they're gonna say tap. And they were like tap. And I'm like, I'm good. And they get super defensive because everyone thinks the water is so great but really our water is terrible. So that's really what a big problem was for me and my husband was the water. And we didn't drink the water. We were brushing our teeth with the water. We were showering in the water. I was washing my produce with the water. I have a retainer. It was soaking in the water. So you just don't really think about how much contaminated water can affect you. I don't eat raw produce anymore out and about because I don't know how they prepared the produce with the water, especially there's a really great restaurant downstairs, but they wash their produce with the tap water that I know is bad. So it's like, ah!
Okay, so back to my journey. So I went viral over on TikTok and I saw something that just is a gaping hole in the chronic illness world. And I was chronically ill myself. Knowing things that I knew about the human body not once that I think that this would even be a thing for me. Not once did I think this could be contributing to my endometriosis, my adenomyosis. Realizing that this is something that was contributing to my mental illness because I had complex PTSD, PTSD, severe anxiety. I was in Klonopin For 22 years. I was trying to get myself off of all of the big pharma because I really wanted to know what was wrong with me. I wanted to know without a shadow of a doubt what the next diagnosis that I was going to be given would be at 40, not wanting another one in order for me to get another pill slapped on me, you know. So it was really important for me to find out what was wrong with my body. In addition, then I just went viral. And now I've been doing this every day since July of 2021.
I started a company over at RogersHood. You can find it on rogershood.com. I started my own cleanse because I had parasites, candida, heavy metals, and I needed something that was simple for people. When I talked about these options that you can have, it's hard for someone like myself that's a solution driven person to have a problem and not have a solution to talk about with people. So of course I just had to create my own product and my own company in the midst of it all.
Angie McGough NP (06:59)
Oh my goodness, that's crazy. What a journey you've been on. Tell us a little bit more about what exactly are parasites, mold, candida, worms, lyme, heavy metals and how they affect us. What exactly are you talking about when you're talking about these things?
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (07:14)
So parasites and worms are similar, but a little different. Parasites are microscopic like defragilis, cryptosporidium parvium, and giardia. I mean, most people know what giardia is, and it's specifically because of the fact that when your water pipes break, they tell you to boil your water, and they're hoping you don't get giardia. So that's the biggest thing, what giardia is. You can get it from animals. If you have pets, you should be cleansing. Three to four times a year, we deworm our pets. You should be deworming yourself in addition. Physical worms are like tapeworm, flatworm, roundworm, whipworm, hookworm, which hookworm is really known because it steals your iron and creates anemia. And it's been proven that this is a way that you have anemia. And so they absorb these nutrients. They say up to 90 % of our nutrients are stolen by them because they can just absorb them, they don't really even need to do anything. They can just lay there. They have a biofilm that covers them. It's a mucus. So I realized all of this. And then when I created my own kit, I realized that you have to have all of these things to rid your body of parasites. Candida is an overgrowth of yeast and we all have yeast in our body. But when it starts to become overgrown, it turns into a parasite.
Any parasites definition is anything that feeds off its host. So it can be lice, can be scabies, it could be a candida, can be any of those things. So you wanna make sure that you're not being fed off of, cause that's just gross. Like they're living creatures in our body and it's kind of gross, right?
Angie McGough NP (08:58)
Oh my gosh. What about heavy metals?
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (09:01)
So heavy metals are found in a lot of things. For women specifically, heavy metals are in our face care, our skin care, well, not just females, but males too. It's in our food source, they're in any sort of Vax that you get. To weigh things down, that's the purpose of the heavy metal. And in the case where it's working with the parasite, the heavy metals is weighting down the parasite not allowing it to be free for you to come in and kind of remove it with other herbs. So when you're doing a parasite cleanse, you want to do a parasite cleanse with a heavy metal cleanse specifically because it's releasing the heavy metals and then allowing the herb to come in and remove it from that frequency. Everything that we do has a frequency. The ailment has a frequency and the herbs have a frequency. So you want to go in with the frequency that matches that ailment and remove it.
Just like when an opera singer sings and breaks the glass, the voice gets to the same frequency as the glass shattering the glass. So when you're going in and removing these things, you want it to be the same frequency. So when you're going in, you're doing heavy metal detoxing, you're doing candida cleansing, and you're doing parasites. Listen, you're already having die-offs. You might as well go in and at least cut down some of the issues while you're doing them, right? Because if not, you're gonna end up having die off your whole life because you're sitting there trying to do cleanse after cleanse after cleanse and your body can't handle that. So you want to do something that's as gentle as possible, which the Parafy kit is very gentle. We give you instructions. We have a whole community. We have over a million followers in our community. We want to make sure that you understand what you're doing when you're doing these cleanses because this is new to us. This is not something that mainstream has really given us these options, right? Like we think, Mexico does cleansing. Well, yeah, but they know how terrible their water is. They don't lie about that, you know?
Angie McGough NP (11:05)
Yes. There is so much contamination in the world today. And from a perspective of someone who takes care of a lot of people with hormone issues, it disrupts our hormone system so delicate and is affected greatly by toxins and things released by these parasites and the fact that they're absorbing essential nutrients that are necessary for the metabolism of hormones, such as zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamin B. And like you said, the iron, this affects not just our sex hormones, but our thyroid and our adrenals and our cortisol levels. It is so important to understand that these types of things can affect our hormones immensely in so many different ways. And that it's just, it's just imperative that we realize this can be a root cause for a lot of our issues.
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (11:35)
It really is. It really is a root cause to a lot of... For me specifically, I had all these things wrong. And when I've cleansed, when I feel like it's time, there's my thyroid. I have hypothyroid. My thyroid is much better. I was able to take myself down on some of my medications because my body is absorbing the medication at a higher percent when you're full of parasitic infection your body is not absorbing it. They're absorbing it and they're holding on to it. They can hold on to six times their weight in spores and heavy metals and viruses. And realizing that that this is an issue. I brought in herbs like usnea, which is Mother Nature's doxycycline. It also helps rid the body of viruses that they're dropping. So while you're removing them, they're dropping viruses that they've been holding on to.
I had been tested for Epstein-Barr virus multiple times and all the way to a spinal tap and it came back negative. And then all of sudden I do a parasite cleanse and all of a sudden I have EBV. I've never had mono in my life. My sister did. Now I've researched my family history, genes and what my mom, my mom was sick my whole life, but I researched more. And now I know that whatever was holding on for all of these years causing me problems was holding on to Epstein-Barr virus. Because then all of a sudden I got Epstein-Barr virus, I got cytomegalovirus, and that's really what pushed me even more to end up making my own kit because I wanted people to be able to bind correctly and understand what binding was. Western medicine, we use charcoal in the emergency room when someone would overdose or come in with alcohol poisoning. We would shove a mass amount down, not a little micro dose of a negatively charged herb to positively charge everything out. And then when you're deworming like this or you're doing mold cleansing, you have to have a way to clean it up, sop it up, which is what the binder does.
Angie McGough NP (13:58)
And you have to be having good bowel movements to get it out of your system and drinking lots of water. So nutrition is really important during the cleanse as well. Tell us a little bit more about your kit and how long does it take and why is it unique?
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (14:06)
So it's a 30 day cleanse. We give you about 40 to 45 days worth of product. So we do recommend starting at 30 days. I chose that specifically because I really want you to cleanse. I really want you to have a realistic timeframe. It's three tinctures and a binder. And you take the three tinctures, two of them you take three times a day and one of them you take two times a day unless you've got some die-offs. Again, there's instructions.
So you can take it three times a day for 30 days, all the threes. Make sure you're peeing, pooping and perspiring the three P's. And if you are doing that, it's gonna help change your thoughts about food. Cause we do have a free cookbook. We do have a free fast track guide. All of my knowledge is free. So even if you're not doing our cleanse, you can still download our books for free. And it's unique because we either forage or we have, we have ethically found people that source the herbs. So we have a 10,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Arkansas that we handmake all of our kits ourselves. We soak our own herbs between five to eight weeks, and then we process our own tinctures in our own way so that you're getting the maximum amount of medicine that we're extracting from the plant. And then you just take it in water or in juice or directly in your mouth. I like the way that it tastes, so I just take it directly. But it's such a great cleanse, because it's not just for these specific things. We just happen to use herbs that are anti-parasitic.
I recommend using the herbs if you have digestive issues. I recommend them if you need a little more liver support. We use dandelion root, we use cilantro as your heavy metal detox. You can read all of the different herbs. You can say them on like some other products where the words are big and you're like, what is that? Clove, everyone knows what clove is. Everyone knows what garlic is. So you just can find ways to utilize those specific herbs for specific ailments.
Angie McGough NP (16:24)
How would I know if I came in contact with a parasite or some heavy metal or something? What are some of the symptoms that I have?
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (16:33)
So a lot of people that have parasitic infections are grinding their teeth at night. They have insomnia because these are nocturnal creatures. And so they stay up all night and keep you up all night. If you eat after around 7 PM, if you're craving sweets, if you have IBS or any sort of constipation or diarrhea, usually people that have a lot of anxiety, they have some sort of parasite going on in their body for me, it really helps my mental health. Like I know when it's time for me to cleanse, I start to not feel my self worth. And it's because I have small intestinal parasites and that really is where the emotions come from in your body. If you do any sort of reflexology, you understand that each part of this has a symptom attached to it. So it really is, if you're just not feeling like yourself. And it's not a bad thing. We should all be practicing this three to four times a year minimum. Other countries do this. Other countries know this is an issue. They have access to synthetic medications, but they also do herbs. So if you look at it in a big picture, other countries do this. We just don't in Western medicine countries. I am able to see other countries like Australia and Canada who don't do this at all. These are our biggest countries that purchase from us is the United States, Canada, and Australia, because it's something Western medicine has denied. They denied that it can be a problem.
Angie McGough NP (18:06)
Yeah. I mean, I have even heard practitioners say, I can see that you have parasites on blood work, but insurance won't let me treat you. And that's really sad because there are things you can see on blood work that do reflect that it's possibly or probably a parasite, just simple blood work. Western medicine doesn't really support treatment of that.
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (18:14)
Really it's a Western Medicine code, right? There isn't a good insurance code that can be billed and they have to bill it that way. But anybody can purchase the Parafy kit. And I specifically made it cost effective. You don't need a practitioner. And I feel bad for practitioners, but we also have really great practitioners that have it and they know it's helping because of the way that I designed it with wormwood and Oregon grapefruit. If you're going in with just one herb, they get used to it. You gotta come in and shock and awe them. They really are there to not get detected. They know what they're doing. They're smarter than us. They've been around longer than us and they'll probably be around, you know, continuously like they are. You just have to be aware that this is something that has happened to all of us and allowing yourself to kind of feel that and understand that this isn't really your fault. Like that was how I felt at the beginning of all of this. I was like, my God, how did I not know this? I come from this. I was a valedictorian in my classes. I love medicine. How did I not know this? You know?
Angie McGough NP (19:38)
Yeah. Well, we don't talk about it. No. that's super exciting. So you mentioned rogershood.com, right? That's where you would find information. You did mention before that sometimes there's like a one to two week delay because of soaking the herbs. That right?
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (19:54)
Yeah, so it takes around one to two weeks to process your order at times, depending on how viral we went or if we have a sale. So we do try and keep up with that. We make tinctures every single day. I mean, and this has got to be one of the funnest things I've ever done. I absolutely love making herbs, you know, making these products from the herbs. Like, Mother Nature is so smart and herbs are so amazing. And I'm really grateful we're all kind of getting into this in life.
Angie McGough NP (20:22)
So exciting. Thank you so much for your expertise. To all the listeners, if you enjoyed this podcast, subscribe, share, leave a review. Check out the link below and make sure you grab some cleanse because we all need it. Check out thrivelab.com to start your toxin free journey with us as well. We're so excited to have you until next time with Hormone Harmony. Thank you so much.
Kim Rogers "Worm Queen" (20:45)
Thanks for having me.